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Restore & Rebuild

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What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, December 20 1787

The Spirit of Resistance is our signature program. It combats the false narratives and damaging ideologies children are being subjected to every day.  It completely dismantles these narratives and ideologies, and replaces them with the values and principles that are the foundation of our country. 


What are those values and principles?  You probably already know them, but here are just a few.  They were given to us by the American Founding, Judeo-Christian values, and Western thought.  Our Shared Values & Principles page has a deeper explanation of these, and their importance to our society.  

Founding Principles
Western Thought

You will be able to use the material in the Spirit of Resistance program effectively no matter what level of content knowledge  or educational background you have. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, a minister, just works.  It combines a powerful curriculum, exclusive support content from our partner organizations, and connection to a community of people passionate to make sure children receive the education they need and deserve.


A Spirit of Resistance subscription costs just $10/month.  Becoming a member gives you full access to all three elements. 


The Spirit of Resistance curriculum combats the false narratives and damaging ideologies our children are being subjected to in their classrooms and in our culture


Support content from parental and educational organizations around the country to support your family and the education of your children.


Subscribers are connected to a community of parents fighting to take back their parental authority and prevent the radical indoctrination of their children.

We are dedicated to providing a complete support system that brings families, students, and organizations from across the country together to fight back against the radical indoctrination of our children.

Continue to the course details page or read our Spirit of Resistance FAQ for more information about this very unique curricula and how it works.


You can view some sample excerpts of the course material here. 


Or, subscribe for only $10/month now.  This is the best way to evaluate the program fully.  You can cancel at any time, on your own, without even having to contact us first. 


We are certain you will be not be disappointed. 

click here for a

of our one-of-a-kind education material.

No email required.  No gimmicks.

Just click, and see why our instruction is so unique.

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